Shippin: 30number
  • Switching
MGI-96CH23 32 Fork Art Chest of Drawers 2-3
¥235,000(Excluding Tax)

Inventory status: Made to order Main specifications: Dimensions: 96cm (W) × 45cm (D) × 75cm (H) Material: Zelkova wood, Paulownia wood Finishing (coating): Urethane coating Custom-made: available You can order your desired dimensions (width, depth, height) in 1cm increment. Please contact us regarding your needs or if you have any questions. Delivery schedule: we require about 2 months from date of order to delivery. After you place your order, we will contact you regarding the delivery schedule. Delivery category: Medium Within Japan: The product will be unpacked at your location and placed in the room of your choice. Overseas: Unpacking and placement of the product are performed by the customer. […]

SS-KY-TB-1904 【展示品セール 1点限り】欅無垢板テーブル
  • Few Stock
¥200,000(Excluding Tax)

【展示品セール】 ショールーム「二本松工藝舘」の展示品をお手頃価格で提供いたします。店頭の展示品価格よりもさらにお買い得な10%オフ。 【展示品について】 ・展示品には小さなキズなどが付いている場合がございますので、あらかじめご了承くださいませ。 【主な仕様】 サイズ: 幅100×奥行75×高さ35cm 素 材: 欅 仕上げ: オイルフィニッシュ 【オーダー製作】不可(展示品限り) 【納期】検品のためご注文後約1週間ほどお時間をいただきます。 お届けまでのスケジュールは、ご注文後に改めてご案内いたします。 【配送について】家具配送/小(ヤマトホームコンビニエンス) 開梱してお部屋のご希望の場所へ設置いたします。 脚がユニークな欅無垢板のローテーブル。 欅無垢板を框組にしました。 天板から飛び出た脚部も特徴的です。 使い込むほどに風合いを増すオイル仕上げです。 ※オイル仕上げは水などがこぼれたままにしておきますとシミの原因となります。こぼれた場合はすぐに拭き取るようにするときれいな状態を保てます。 また、シミが付いてもご家庭でのメンテナンスが容易にできますので、長くご愛用頂けます。詳しくはお問い合わせくださいませ。 Favorite

SS-KDN-R-1904 【展示品セール 1点限り】二本松民芸階段箪笥 右上がり
  • Few Stock
¥268,519(Excluding Tax)

【展示品セール】 ショールーム「二本松工藝舘」の展示品をお手頃価格で提供いたします。 【展示品について】 ・展示品には小さなキズなどが付いている場合がございますので、あらかじめご了承くださいませ。 ・この商品は通常の商品よりも色が濃く出ており、全体的に黒っぽく欅の木目があまりよく見えません。 【主な仕様】 サイズ: 幅100×奥行38×高さ100cm 素 材: 欅&桐 仕上げ: 油性漆塗装 【オーダー製作】不可(展示品限り) 【納期】検品のためご注文後約1週間ほどお時間をいただきます。 お届けまでのスケジュールは、ご注文後に改めてご案内いたします。 【配送について】家具配送/中(ヤマトホームコンビニエンス) 開梱してお部屋のご希望の場所へ設置いたします。 機能的、でも高い装飾性。 昔は階段下を有効活用する機能的なたんすも、今ではインテリアとして玄関ホールやリビングルームに人気のたんす。 お花や小物を飾って、楽しみ方はいろいろです。 こちらの商品の展示品です。 Nihonmatsu Traditional Furniture – 33 Fork Art Chest of Drawers KAIDAN(Stairs) 二本松伝統家具 – 33民芸階段箪笥 Favorite

JM-KMC100-23WH Paulownia Modern Chest of Drawers W100-2-3 Ivory White
¥320,000(Excluding Tax)

Inventory status: Made to order Main specifications: Dimensions: 100cm (W) × 40cm (D) × 69cm (H) Material: Paulownia wood Finishing (coating): Oil-based lacquer Color: Ivory White Custom-made: available You can order your desired dimensions (width, depth, height) in 1cm increment. Please contact us regarding your needs or if you have any questions. Delivery schedule: we require about 4 months from date of order to delivery. After you place your order, we will contact you regarding the delivery schedule. Delivery category: Medium Within Japan: The product will be unpacked at your location and placed in the room of your choice. Overseas: Unpacking and placement of the product are performed by the […]

MGI-30KZ-KY 30 Fork Art Cupboard KOUSHI(Japanese-Lattice)
¥370,000(Excluding Tax)

Inventory status: Made to order Main specifications: Dimensions: 91cm (W) × 42cm (D) × 135cm (H) Material: Zelkova wood, Paulownia wood Finishing (coating): Oil-based lacquer Custom-made: available You can order your desired dimensions (width, depth, height) in 1cm increment. Please contact us regarding your needs or if you have any questions. Delivery schedule: we require about 4 months from date of order to delivery. After you place your order, we will contact you regarding the delivery schedule. Delivery category: Medium Within Japan: The product will be unpacked at your location and placed in the room of your choice. Overseas: Unpacking and placement of the product are performed by the customer. […]

JM-KMC100-23BL Paulownia Modern Chest of Drawers W100-2-3 Blue
¥390,000(Excluding Tax)

Inventory status: Made to order Main specifications: Dimensions: 100cm (W) × 45cm (D) × 70cm (H) Material: Paulownia wood Finishing (coating): Oil-based lacquer Color: Blue Custom-made: available You can order your desired dimensions (width, depth, height) in 1cm increment. Please contact us regarding your needs or if you have any questions. Delivery schedule: we require about 4 months from date of order to delivery. After you place your order, we will contact you regarding the delivery schedule. Delivery category: Medium Within Japan: The product will be unpacked at your location and placed in the room of your choice. Overseas: Unpacking and placement of the product are performed by the customer. […]

JM-KMC90-33GRBK Paulownia Modern Chest of Drawers W90-3-3 Green and BLack
¥400,000(Excluding Tax)

Inventory status: Made to order Main specifications: Dimensions: 90cm (W) × 40cm (D) × 88cm (H) Material: Paulownia wood Finishing (coating): Oil-based lacquer Color: Green and BLack Custom-made: available You can order your desired dimensions (width, depth, height) in 1cm increment. Please contact us regarding your needs or if you have any questions. Delivery schedule: we require about 4 months from date of order to delivery. After you place your order, we will contact you regarding the delivery schedule. Delivery category: Medium Within Japan: The product will be unpacked at your location and placed in the room of your choice. Overseas: Unpacking and placement of the product are performed by […]

MGI-30SHU42 30 Fork Art Chest of Drawers 4-2 Vermilion and Black
¥530,000(Excluding Tax)

Inventory status: Made to order Main specifications: Dimensions: 91cm (W) × 45cm (D) × 105cm (H) Material: Paulownia wood Finishing (coating): Oil-based lacquer Color: Vermilion and Black Custom-made: available You can order your desired dimensions (width, depth, height) in 1cm increment. Please contact us regarding your needs or if you have any questions. Delivery schedule: we require about 4 months from date of order to delivery. After you place your order, we will contact you regarding the delivery schedule. Delivery category: Medium Within Japan: The product will be unpacked at your location and placed in the room of your choice. Overseas: Unpacking and placement of the product are performed by […]

MGI-30KBS1 30 Fork Art Chest of Drawers SD1
¥370,000(Excluding Tax)

Inventory status: Made to order Main specifications: Dimensions: 91cm (W) × 45cm (D) × 89cm (H) Material: Zelkova wood, Paulownia wood Finishing (coating): Drawer front=URUSHI(Japanese lacquer), Body=Oil-based lacquer Custom-made: available You can order your desired dimensions (width, depth, height) in 1cm increment. Please contact us regarding your needs or if you have any questions. Delivery schedule: we require about 3 months from date of order to delivery. After you place your order, we will contact you regarding the delivery schedule. Delivery category: Medium Within Japan: The product will be unpacked at your location and placed in the room of your choice. Overseas: Unpacking and placement of the product are performed […]

MGI-55KZ 55 Fork Art Sideboard
¥620,000(Excluding Tax)

Inventory status: Made to order Main specifications: Dimensions: 166cm (W) × 42cm (D) × 100cm (H) Material: Zelkova wood, Paulownia wood Finishing (coating): Oil-based lacquer Custom-made: available You can order your desired dimensions (width, depth, height) in 1cm increment. Please contact us regarding your needs or if you have any questions. Delivery schedule: we require about 4 months from date of order to delivery. After you place your order, we will contact you regarding the delivery schedule. Delivery category: Medium Within Japan: The product will be unpacked at your location and placed in the room of your choice. Overseas: Unpacking and placement of the product are performed by the customer. […]

MGI-35CH33 35 Fork Art Chest of Drawers 3-3
¥350,000(Excluding Tax)

Inventory status: Made to order Main specifications: Dimensions: 106cm (W) × 45cm (D) × 89cm (H) Material: Zelkova wood, Paulownia wood Finishing (coating): Oil-based lacquer Custom-made: available You can order your desired dimensions (width, depth, height) in 1cm increment. Please contact us regarding your needs or if you have any questions. Delivery schedule: we require about 4 months from date of order to delivery. After you place your order, we will contact you regarding the delivery schedule. Delivery category: Medium Within Japan: The product will be unpacked at your location and placed in the room of your choice. Overseas: Unpacking and placement of the product are performed by the customer. […]

MGI-35KRM23 35 Fork Art Chest of Drawers KURUMA(Wheeled) 2-3
¥360,000(Excluding Tax)

Inventory status: Made to order Main specifications: Dimensions: 108cm (W) × 45cm (D) × 83cm (H) Material: Zelkova wood, Paulownia wood Finishing (coating): Oil-based lacquer Custom-made: available You can order your desired dimensions (width, depth, height) in 1cm increment. Please contact us regarding your needs or if you have any questions. Delivery schedule: we require about 4 months from date of order to delivery. After you place your order, we will contact you regarding the delivery schedule. Delivery category: Medium Within Japan: The product will be unpacked at your location and placed in the room of your choice. Overseas: Unpacking and placement of the product are performed by the customer. […]